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   Sosyal Medya

Volodymyr Yurchenko received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1980 and 1984, respectively, from the Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (KhPI), Kharkov, U.S.S.R. (currently, National Technical University "KhPI", Kharkiv, Ukraine) and D.Sc. degree in Physics and Mathematics in 1994 from the A. I. Usikov Institute for Radio physics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IRE NASU), Kharkiv, Ukraine. 

He held research and teaching positions at the NTU "KhPI" and IRE NASU in the U.S.S.R. and Ukraine, Bilkent University in Turkey, National University of Ireland  Maynooth (NUIM) in Ireland, and, within the TUBITAK-EU Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme and TUBITAK-BIDEB Programs, at the Engitek Engineering Technologies Ltd, Gazi University, and Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey. 

At the NUIM, he developed a unique ultra-fast electromagnetic simulation software for the advanced physical optics modeling of the dual-reflector sub-mm-wave telescope on the ESA Planck Surveyor for the Cosmic Microwave Background mapping. He is a co-recipient of the 2018 Gruber Cosmology Prize (https://gruber.yale.edu/prize/2018-gruber cosmology-prize) as a Team Member of the ESA Planck project. His interests include solid-state physics, semiconductor theory, electronic devices, hot-electron transport, plasma and instabilities, microwave generation, THz technology, physical optics, mm-wave photonics, wave propagation, and antenna simulations.